" Traveling With Denella Ri'chard " is now available to watch on American Airlines and United Airlines flights.

The travel, lifestyle and culture television series explores some of the most epic experiences that travelers can have in some of the world's most popular places as well as some off-the-beaten-path destinations. Now, travelers can view the show on both domestic and international flights under the TV category on American and United.

In addition to those airlines, the travel destination series will make its debut on Canadian carrier WestJet Airlines in September 2021.

"As a travel industry veteran, I felt it was my duty to get out there, visit destinations and show people how to travel the world again in a COVID-conscious way," Ri'chard said in a statement. "In 2020, when most travel shows went dark, we embraced shining a light on what the world had to offer. I hit the road with a camera crew who shared the same passion for global tourism recovery, to bring travel, lifestyle, and culture destination stories to television via cable TV (The CW South Florida), global streaming (The CJC Network), online and now in-flight TV (American Airlines & United Airlines)."

"We are simply thrilled about the continued success of 'Traveling With Denella Ri’chard.' We’ve been approached by several companies that are interested in licensing the show's content," TV Executive Producers Don Wiggins and Carl Jackson added in a joint statement. "When the airlines came along, we knew this was the right fit because Denella built her career in the travel industry. She is a real industry veteran who knows how to bring destination stories to life. For us, it was the perfect combination."

Visit TravelingWithDenella.com for more information.

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