Published at 00:08, September 8, 2016

Lushan Mountain has many remarkable titles - the first batch of world geoparks, world cultural heritage, China's top ten famous mountains, and China's four summer resorts... Lushan Mountain can be called a country of poetry. Since ancient times, countless literati and poets have visited Lushan Mountain and left countless famous poems here. Lushan Mountain is also a cultural holy land where many religions gather. Cultural relics and natural scenery complement each other and shine brilliantly on the banks of the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake.

After watching countless strategies and making a lot of preparations, the long-awaited trip to Lushan finally took place. Next, throw a wave of dry goods, and then offer travel notes.

1、 Introduction to Lushan

Lushan Mountain is located in Jiujiang City in the north of Jiangxi Province, adjacent to the Yangtze River in the north and Poyang Lake in the East. It is a model of lakes and mountains, and has the reputation of "kuanglu Qixiu is the best in the world".

It is said that in the early Shang Dynasty, there was a kuangsu who went to seclusion here and later became an immortal. This is the origin of the name of Lushan. Later, many literati once chanted Lushan.

"Nanshan" in Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the East fence, seeing Nanshan leisurely" is the present Lushan Mountain.

The most famous one is Li Bai's "looking at Lushan waterfall". In addition, Li Bai has many poems describing Lushan: "five old peaks in the southeast of Lushan Mountain, Golden Lotus cut from the blue sky", "Lushan Mountain shows the side of Nandou, the screen is nine fold, and the clouds are beautiful."

When Bai Juyi was demoted to Jiujiang as Jiangzhou Sima, he wrote down the story of Lushan thatched cottage: "three cottages open to the mountains, and a mountain spring around the cottage.".

Not to mention the famous sentence written by Su Shi later: "I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because I am in the mountain.".

In modern times, not only did foreigners build villas on the top of Lushan Mountain for summer vacation, but also Lushan Mountain became the "summer capital" of the Republic of China during the period of the Republic of China. As one of the four summer resorts in China, Lushan Mountain is worthy of being called. Now, a small town named Guling has been built on the top of Lushan Mountain, with more than 10000 residents.

In a narrow sense, Lushan scenic area is only limited to Guling and its surrounding scenic areas on the top of the mountain, and basically implements the one vote system, which is divided into the west line and the east line. On the west line, there are scenic spots such as jinxiugu, Huajing, ruqin lake, Datianchi, longshouya, Huanglong Temple, etc. on the east line, there are scenic spots such as Meilu, the story of old villas, the site of Lushan conference, Lushan Museum, Lulin lake, botanical garden, hanpokou, Wulaofeng, Sandiequan, etc. In addition, there are also some charging small scenic spots, such as Shimen stream, Tianhe Valley and Dakou waterfall. These scenic spots are basically in the mountains.

In a broad sense, in addition to the one vote scenic spot on the mountain, Lushan includes many small scenic spots at the foot of the surrounding mountains, such as Bailudong, Donglin temple, Xilin temple, Xiufeng scenic spot, Taiyi village, etc.

The flat top of Lushan Mountain is surrounded by many canyons radiating outward. Therefore, along the canyons, there are many walking paths to go up the mountain, or you can take a bus to go up the mountain by winding highway. The west gate of Lushan Mountain can be hiked from Shimen stream; The east gate of Lushan Mountain can walk up the mountain from Sandie spring; At the north gate of Lushan Mountain, you can walk up the mountain from the hero slope of scissors gorge; In addition, there are a lot of hiking trails that you can climb to the top of the mountain.

2、 Itinerary:

14 August:

6: 24 Xuchang → k1275 → Lushan (93 yuan, 9h)

15: 38 get to Lushan station, Lushan station → 901 road → Jiujiang railway station → walk → Jiujiang bus station (2 yuan, 1.5h)

17: 30 bus to Guling town (15 yuan, 1 hour)

18: Stay in Dajiao Youth Hostel (40 yuan / bed), watch the sunset at Wangjiang Pavilion, and eat in Guling town

15 August:

In the morning, Xiaotianchi → ruqin Lake → Huajing → overpass → jinxiugu → Xianren cave → Datianchi → longshouya

In the afternoon, shimenjian → suspension bridge → power station dam → Wulongtan → sanbaoshu → Lulin Lake → old villa

Stay at Dajiao youth hostel in the evening (40 yuan / bed)

August 16:

In the morning, watch the sunrise at poyangkou → Lushan Botanical Garden → Dakou waterfall → Lushan Museum → hanpokou

In the afternoon, Wulaofeng → Sandiequan → east gate of Lushan Mountain, take a bus to Xingzi County (5 yuan),

Stay at Shuxin hotel in the evening (35 yuan / person)

August 17:

7: Get up at 8:00

8: Take a bus to Xiufeng scenic spot at 20:00 (2 yuan / person)

9: Visit Xiufeng scenic spot

13: 20 after dinner, take a bus from Xingzi County to Jiujiang City (12 yuan / person)

14: 45 Jiujiang → k4979 → Yushan (62.5 yuan, 6.5h) and then start another journey of Sanqingshan!

3、 Transportation

Jiujiang is located in the north of Jiangxi Province, at the junction of Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui provinces.

Let's talk about airplanes first. Jiujiang has Lushan airport, which is located in the southwest of Jiujiang City, far away from the urban area and scenic spots.

If you take the train, there are two stations to choose from - Jiujiang station and Lushan station. Jiujiang station is located in the center of Jiujiang City. Because it is located on the main line of Beijing Kowloon Railway (Beijing Kowloon railway connects Beijing and Kowloon, not Beijing and Jiujiang, but passes through Jiujiang), there are many direct trains. Lushan station is a new station built a few years ago. It is located in Jiujiang County in the west of Lushan Mountain. It is convenient for bus to reach Jiujiang City. There is a through train from my home to Lushan station, but there is no through train to Jiujiang station, so I choose to go to Lushan station and then transfer to Jiujiang City. But try not to choose Lushan station, because the bus to Lushan goes to Jiujiang passenger transport center.

Even if there is no direct train to Jiujiang, you may as well transfer to nearby cities such as Nanchang and Wuhan.

When you get to Jiujiang station, if you want to go to Lushan, you need to go to Lushan passenger transport center (bus terminus). It's not far from Jiujiang station. It takes about 20 minutes to walk. It costs 10 yuan to rent. When you get to the passenger station, you can buy a ticket to Mount Lushan (Guling town). It's a small Iveco. With insurance, the ticket price is 16.5 yuan. It takes one hour to get to the top of Guling town. When passing through the north gate of Lushan Mountain, let everyone come down to buy and check in tickets, and then you can get on the bus and go on.

There are all kinds of black cars or group tour around the station, which can be ignored directly. It's really better not to travel with group tour, and there's no need to take black cars. Note: the first and last bus runs from 7:30 to 18:00 in peak season, every half an hour. If there are too many people, it may run twice every half an hour.

When you get to the top of the mountain, you can take the Lushan sightseeing bus. It costs 80 yuan. Fingerprint verification is effective within 7 days. There are many stops that can be stopped, which is equivalent to the bus at the top of the mountain. It's very convenient. If you go down from the east gate of Lushan Mountain to Haihui Town, there will be buses to Xingzi County and Jiujiang City.

4、 Food, clothing and housing

When it comes to Lushan cuisine, the most famous is the "three stones" - stone ear, stone chicken and stone fish. Shier is a fungus growing on the rock wall, similar to Auricularia auricula; Stone chicken is a kind of frog living in the stream; Stone fish is a small fish living in the pond. As precious, so authentic three stone, must be expensive.

Shiniu restaurant is mentioned in many travel notes, and there are different comments after reading some of them. But there must be some reasons why it appears in many travel notes. If it's a couple of people, you might as well try it.

In addition, there are many people selling stewed soup in earthen pots and Lushan bean curd along Guling street, and the specialty stores sell Lushan Yunwu Tea and various cakes.

But what impresses me most is the fish on the Bank of Poyang Lake, which I eat in Xingzi County. Because Jiujiang is located on the Bank of the Great Lakes, I have to taste the fish and shrimp. They are very delicious and not fishy at all.

Let's talk about "wear.". Although Lushan is a leisurely scenic spot, there are many scenic spots that are not ambiguous about leg abuse, such as Sandiequan, Wulaofeng and shimenjian. They all need to consume a lot of physical strength, so it's better to wear some light sports clothes and do a good job in sun protection. In addition, it's a bit cool in the morning and evening in Lushan, so you need to take a thin coat. Lushan is relatively humid, the weather changes for no reason, there are many rainy days, and there are often clouds and fog. Therefore, we need to watch the weather forecast in time, and be sure to prepare umbrellas.

Many people are more concerned about the problem of accommodation. The top of Lushan Mountain is a small town. It has everything from cheap B & B to high-end hotels, and there are all kinds of prices. But it's better to book in advance during holidays, and the price is likely to rise. I live in the youth hostel of Dajiao. It's really one of the shabby youth hostels I've lived in. There is another nature youth hostel in Guling. I don't know how.

There are many and scattered scenic spots in Lushan, so it's a good choice to live in different places, maybe the nearby scenic spots are also different. You can watch the sunset after dinner, take a walk and see the night scenery. But after all, it's a scenic spot, so it's normal that B & B is a little more expensive than downhill. As the top of Lushan Mountain is cooler, many B & B houses are not air-conditioned. You should be prepared. You can ask in advance.

There is no need to worry about the inconvenient transportation in the place where you live. The Lushan sightseeing bus line can almost connect the prosperous places in Guling, so there is no need to worry about the inconvenient transportation. There is a bus stop every other section. However, if you really don't want to walk, you must pay attention to the map at the time of reservation and choose to stay near the sightseeing station.

Finally, let's talk about the price of Lushan. As a small town inhabited all year round, the price of Guling town is not particularly high. To make a comparison, the prices at the top of Huangshan and Taishan are horribly high, while those at Guling are much better. This is due to the fact that there is no need for mountain bearers to pick up materials to reach the top of the mountain. However, the price of some scenic spots far away from Guling town is still not cheap. For example, in places such as power station dam and Shimen stream, a bottle of water costs 5 yuan. After all, it's a scenic spot. Therefore, it is suggested to buy water and snacks in Guling town before sightseeing, and try not to shop in scenic spots.

In addition, I also observed that in Yijia shopping center, a bottle of water costs 1 yuan, while other small supermarkets in Guling town cost 2 yuan. So I often shop in Yijia shopping center, and the price is the same as that at the foot of the mountain.

5、 Ticket information

Lushan tickets: 180 in peak season, 135 in off season, 90 for students

Sightseeing ticket: 80 (fingerprint verification, valid within 7 days)

Tianhegu: 35 (no student ticket)

Dakou waterfall: 35 (no student ticket)

Shimen stream: 50 (student ticket 25)

Xinglong cableway: 30 one way, 60 two way

Big mouth cableway: 30 one way, 60 two way

Bailudong Academy (downhill): 40 yuan (student ticket 20)

Xiufeng scenic spot (at the foot of the mountain): 63 yuan (32 yuan for student ticket)

A few years ago, Lushan Mountain was famous for its disorderly charges. It not only required tickets to enter the mountain, but also sold separately in scenic spots such as Meilu and Sandiequan. Now the management is OK. Basically, only Shimen stream, Tianhe Valley and Dakou waterfall sell tickets separately. Other scenic spots implement the one vote system. So there may be some changes in the price. The information given in the travel notes a few years ago may not be applicable today, so we have to go to the local place to ask in detail. The above is just for reference.

6、 Scenic spots and best viewing time

Before the introduction, I paid great attention to the best viewing time, because if I go to the wrong time, it may cause backlight, and the shooting effect is very poor, so I recommend the best photography time to avoid backlight according to the location and orientation of the scenic spots ~! And then we determine the route and tour time~

1. Xiaotianchi: it's a holy place to watch the sunrise, and the scenery is ordinary at other times.

2. Wangjiang Pavilion: view the sunset holy land, facing southwest, the best viewing time is 9:00 ~ 11:00. At noon and afternoon there will be backlight, too early in the morning, the sun will be covered by the valley, forming a shadow.

3. Guanyun Pavilion: facing northeast, the best viewing time is 13:30 ~ 17:00.

4. Jinxiugu: facing northwest, the best viewing time is 9:00 ~ 13:00. In the afternoon, the sun goes down. There are a lot of tourists and the natural scenery is general. In case of cloudy days or clouds that are not afraid of backlighting, it is recommended to rush in early and take advantage of late to avoid the tourist peak.

5. Ruqin Lake: you can visit around the lake, and there are different viewing angles in different periods of time.

6. Flower path: the scenery is general and there are many people. It is suggested to catch up early and late to avoid the peak tourists.

7. Longshouya: facing southwest, the best viewing time is 8:30 ~ 11:00, the afternoon is against the light, and the sunset is considerable.

8. Datianchi: cultural landscape, adjacent to longshouya. It is recommended to enjoy it together with longshouya.

9. Shimen stream: facing the west, the best viewing time: 15:00 ~ 17:00, a considerable sunset.

10. Wulongtan, Huanglongtan, sanbaoshu and Huanglong Temple: facing north, you can enjoy them all day.

11. Guling Street Park: facing northwest, the best viewing time is 8:00 ~ 14:00

12. The story of the old villa: there are many trees around the villa, which can be viewed all day without sun exposure.

13. Meilu, Lushan Museum: indoor visit, all day viewing, pay attention to the opening and closing time.

14. Lulin Lake: you can visit all around the lake, with different viewing angles at different times.

15. Hanpokou: Look East at Wulao peak, West at Hanyang peak and South at Poyang Lake. The best viewing time is 12:00 ~ 16:30. To the East is Wulaofeng. In summer, the sun comes out from the East and is blocked. The effect of watching the sunrise is discounted. In winter, the sun rises from the southeast, and will not be blocked by the mountains. It is good to watch the sunrise.

16. Botanical Garden: all day.

17. Dakou waterfall: facing south, the best viewing time is 9:30 ~ 14:00.

18. Wulaofeng: facing south, it is good to look west in the morning and East in the afternoon. The sunrise is considerable, but the mountain road is far away, so we need to get up early.

19. Sandiequan: facing east, the best viewing time is from 8:00 to 11:00, and it has a serious backlight in the afternoon.

20. Bailu Cave: you can see Wulao peak to the northwest, the best viewing time is 8:00 ~ 14:00

21. Xiufeng: facing north, the best viewing time is 8:30 ~ 15:00

Of course, the above is only for sunny days to avoid backlight, only for reference. Sometimes, there are scenic spots on both sides. At the same time, one side may go against the light and the other side may go along the light. If you live in Lushan Mountain for a long time, you can go to the same scenic spot many times in different periods and experience different feelings.

In fact, Lushan is a place suitable for sightseeing all year round. In spring, you can see beautiful mountain flowers and azalea everywhere; In summer, we can see the sea of forest, the rain and the clouds; Autumn to see the red leaves Xiaoxiao, sky high clouds light; In winter, you can see the pillars of the ice waterfall, wrapped in silver.

See sunrise, I have two better recommendations - Xiaotianchi and hanpokou. Xiaotianchi is relatively small, many tourists do not know, sunrise is the horizon sunrise, will not be blocked by mountains; But because there is only one pavilion to watch, it is very crowded.

It is suggested to watch the sunrise in hanpokou on the right-hand side of the mountain road leading to the plow tip, not to watch the hanpoting. This is one of the ten sacred places of sunrise in China, but the sunrise is blocked by Wulaofeng, not the sunrise on the horizon. Wulaofeng has a beautiful curve, which can make up for the defects, so many people charter cars to go there. Many B & B can contact the Chartered bus master. For a car with seven seats, about 12 yuan per capita is enough.

Also met some people to see the sunrise Wulaofeng, this is the horizon sunrise, the sun will not be blocked. But need to climb a long mountain road, very tired, get up early, so not recommended.

In a word, the most important thing to go to the scenic spot is to watch the weather forecast in advance and avoid visiting in haze and rainstorm weather. In case of light rain or shower, if you are lucky, you can still see the sea of clouds. Lushan is very famous for its humid climate. When it's cloudy, a piece of cloud may float over, which is like a fairyland. If it's sunny, pay attention to sun protection and get plenty of water. If you go to Lushan waterfall, you must choose after the heavy rain, otherwise the water volume is too small, very ugly.

Well, I'm going to throw out my own travel notes ~!!!

At 18:30 on August 14, after bumping on the winding mountain road for an hour, the car finally arrived at Guling town. At this time, my head was almost dizzy. The youth hostel I lived in was very remote. I had to find an inconspicuous path on the side of the road. I went down the hillside and looked for the location for a long time before I found it. The youth brigade is located on the hillside in the north of Guling town. There are many farmers around, raising chickens on the hillside.

To be honest, this youth travel agency is a bit shabby. There are many middle-aged and old people sitting around chatting. Even the boss is an old man. He is not a "Youth" at all. The room is like a shabby student dormitory with no air conditioning and only a fan. But if you think about the low price of 40 yuan a night, it doesn't matter. In fact, the boss is very nice. He has patiently answered some of my questions.

After putting down the bag, go to Wangjiang pavilion to watch the sunset, but it's too late. The sun is hidden behind the clouds.

Wangjiang Pavilion, of course, is called Wangjiang Pavilion because it can see the Yangtze River.

After a simple meal in the street, I began to visit Guling. In the evening, it's especially lively. There are many shops along the road, and tourists come out one after another. The roadside snack stand is full of people, drinking and drinking, which makes people feel very friendly.

After a short stroll, I fell in love with Guling, a small town in the clouds about one kilometer above sea level. It's like a small mountain city. Along the gentle mountain, the road turns back and forth, and the houses are uneven in height. It's very three-dimensional. Although the town is small, it has all kinds of internal organs, including shops, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, post offices, bookstores and police stations.

Speaking of Guling, we have to talk about an English missionary, Li Deli. After the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, Li Deli rented Lushan Mountain at a low price from the Qing government to build a villa for summer vacation. Since then, Guling has an English name -- cooling. The translation is really clever. Many foreigners build villas on Lushan Mountain, including Pearl S. Buck, who won the Nobel Prize for literature. This is the story of the old villa. Now it seems that villas of different styles gather together, which can be called the villa Expo.

As a result, the peak of Lushan Mountain developed and became famous both at home and abroad as a summer resort. Later, many senior executives and politicians of the Republic of China built villas on Lushan Mountain and came here in midsummer. The famous "Meilu" is where Chiang Kai Shek and Song Meiling live. Lushan really became the "summer capital" of the Republic of China. Later, many leaders of the Communist Party chose Lushan Mountain for summer vacation. Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Ye Jianying... Their former residences are now in Maolin, welcoming guests from all sides.

As one of the four summer resorts in China, Guling town is well deserved.

The next morning, I got up at 4:50 and went to the nearby Xiaotianchi to watch the sunrise. I asked my boss before that Xiaotianchi is a good place to watch the sunrise, but because it is located near the north gate archway of Lushan Mountain, it can be said that it is the northernmost scenic spot, and the traffic is inconvenient, so many people don't know. 5: We set out on time at 5:00 and arrived at about 5:30. By this time, the viewing pavilion was already full of people, and some even had to fight for a seat.

The sunrise is really shocking and beautiful. It's worth the sacrifice with laziness. Next, the United States and the United States to early warning.

Xiaotianchi is a holy land of Tibetan Buddhism. Xiaotianchi is located in the tower courtyard of Nuona. It is located on the top of the mountain, but it doesn't overflow in case of rain and doesn't dry up in case of drought. But it's really "small". I'm disappointed after seeing it.

Tower of nonabai

There is a warping tube beside Xiaotianchi

There are also prayer flags on the mountain road

Next to Xiaotianchi is the memorial archway of the north gate of Lushan Mountain

On the way back, I went to Wangjiang pavilion to have a look.

Wangjiang Pavilion is located on the cliff on the side of scissors gorge in the north of the mountain. You can overlook scissors gorge and see the panoramic view of Guling at the end of scissors gorge. If you look to the northwest, you can see the rolling Yangtze River flowing eastward.

Below is the cloud Pavilion.

I went back to CYTS to make up for a little bit of laziness and started at about eight o'clock. First, take a picture in the street park of Guling, where you can overlook Guling. Red and green houses scattered in the mountain road, green trees, very beautiful, shocking.

Through a tunnel, you will arrive at the sightseeing bus terminal. This is the departure point of the east line and the west line. You can buy tickets in a hall on the right. Then there are two stations on both sides of the road, which are for the east line and the west line. Please ask the staff for details. When I bought the ticket, the staff also asked me if I wanted to buy a map, 6 yuan per copy. It was very detailed, but it was too troublesome. I always used the mobile phone map to locate.

All listen to the arrangement of the dispatcher ~ you can also ask if you have any questions. The attitude of the dispatcher is not bad. You need to input your fingerprint before you get on the bus.

I set out for the first stop, jinxiugu. Get off at the intersection of Huajing, one side is ruqin lake and Huajing, the other side is the entrance of Jinxiu valley.

The first scenic spot in Jinxiu Valley is the overpass. It is said that when Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Youliang fought on the Bank of Poyang Lake, Zhu Yuanzhang was chased by the enemy. When he arrived at Jinxiu Valley, there was a cliff in front of him. At this time, a huge dragon turned into an overpass to let Zhu Yuanzhang pass smoothly. This is the story of the overpass, which was forced to make up, but it also gives this plain scenic spot a trace of mystery.

This scenic spot makes full use of the principle of visual dislocation. Many people line up here to take photos.

Soon I came to the lucky stone. It's said that if I touch it, I'll have good luck. It's very dangerous here.

If you go further, you will reach the dangerous peak.

Chairman Mao's "Seven Wonders: photos of the immortal cave in Lushan Mountain taken for Comrade Li Jin's title" wrote:

In the twilight, you can see the pine trees, and the clouds are still flying leisurely.

Born a fairy cave, unlimited scenery in the peak.

In fact, the natural scenery of Jinxiu Valley is not very good. You can see almost the same scenery when you walk around, which can't achieve the effect of changing scenery step by step. Indeed, compared with Huangshan and Zhangjiajie, it's not one or two points worse.

I remember eating 5 yuan a bowl of wild chestnut powder here. It was really cool on a hot day. Many mountains have similar jelly like food, such as ice powder from Chongqing, pueraria powder from Zhangjiajie, etc.

All the way is relatively flat, not tired

Therefore, it has become a must visit scenic spot for group tour, which is one of the most lively scenic spots in Lushan.

Jinxiu Valley is a U-shaped Canyon formed by Quaternary glaciers and one of the moraine landforms in Lushan Mountain. As one of the first batch of world geoparks, there are many brands here to introduce the causes of Lushan style, which is popular science.

In fact, walking around is almost the same scenery..

Dirty spring of Sanskrit music.

Plain Lushan pine.

Guanmiao Pavilion, it is said that Chiang Kai Shek and Song Meiling once visited Donglin temple and Xilin temple here. It used to be Guanmiao Pavilion, but later it was changed to Guanmiao Pavilion.

And then to the most disappointing fairy cave, nothing to see, especially many people.

It is said that LV Dongbin once practiced Taoism here. There are six religions on Mount Lushan, which is one of the representative holy places of Taoism.

Finally, the imperial stele Pavilion. It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang built it in memory of Zhou Dian. This is also the place where the hero and heroine in love on Lushan Mountain take shelter from the rain together.

You can see Jiujiang county from afar.

From here out to the road, is the sightseeing bus "Xianrendong station", I walked back to the last station "Huajing station", began to tour Huajing. It is said that Bai Juyi wrote "peach blossom in Dalin Temple" here

In April, peach blossoms begin to bloom.

I don't know where to turn from.

There is also Bai Juyi's thatched cottage. It's an ordinary place where people sell things. If you come here in spring, it will be beautiful.

Next to it is ruqin lake.

Ruqin lake is one of the two artificial lakes at the top of Lushan Mountain. The spring here sounds like a zither, and overlooking the lake from the air, the shape is like a violin, so it is called ruqin lake.

It was sunny just now. In a flash, there was a heavy fog on one side of the mountain, but it was still sunny on the other side.

In the middle of the lake, there is an island with pine and cypress trees and a pavilion, which adds to the beauty.

In the far away Jinxiu Valley, there are clouds and mists. This is Li Bai's "shadow falling on Minghu lake and Qingdai light".

For example, there are many villas and hotels around Qinhu lake. If you live nearby, it will be a great pleasure to take a walk here after tea and dinner.

Then there is the next stop, Datianchi. There are many scattered small scenic spots near Datianchi.

As a Buddhist building, the round Buddha Hall has a unique style.

Tianchi temple tower has been tilted in the wind and sun.

There is a small tea garden, where Lushan Yunwu Tea, one of the top ten famous teas in China, is planted.

There is a Manjusri viewing platform near Datianchi. It is surrounded by trees. There is nothing to see, but the doumuting nearby overlooks Shimen stream.

Big Tianchi is no better than small Tianchi. It's just a small pond. Don't imagine it by the standard of Changbai Mountain Tianchi.

There is a road leading to the dragon head cliff.

On the cliff is a Lushan pine.

In front of the open, the Grand Canyon is Shimen stream, and the folded cliff opposite is tiechuanfeng. It's a pity that there is a mist in the mountain, and the scenery is not very bright. The bright strip is a suspension bridge. Li Bai once described Shimen stream as "two long peaks in front of Jinque".

To see longshouya, you need to go to the viewing pavilion next to it. It is said that it is the landmark scenic spot of Lushan Mountain.

Two huge stones, one horizontal and one vertical, are surrounded by green pines. The horizontal huge stone is like a giant dragon, pressing on the Wanren cliff.

There is a road next to longshouya to the suspension bridge. Most of the scenery along the mountain is blocked by trees, and there are few scenic spots to see. There are several open areas overlooking Shimen stream.

There are also some signs on the road to introduce how the Quaternary glaciers shaped the shape of Shimen stream.

To the suspension bridge, down is Shimen stream, up is Xinglong cableway.

It takes about 40 minutes from longshouya to the suspension bridge.

Shimen stream is one of the most dangerous scenic spots in Lushan Mountain. Next to it is the iron boat peak. There is a trail to climb to the peak, but the road has been closed. The fold on the peak tells the story of the geological relics of Lushan Horst fault block mountain.

At that time, Xu Xiake climbed Lushan Mountain all the way from shimenjian. Shimen stream is the west gate of Lushan Mountain. If you have enough physical strength, you can walk up the mountain from here.

I thought shimenjian didn't need money, but I still needed to buy a student ticket of 25 yuan. Looking down, I was too tired to climb the stairs, so I gave up decisively.

Moreover, it hasn't rained for a long time before, and the waterfall of Shimen stream is very small. If you go to see Sandie spring, you don't need to see Shimen stream.

Take Xinglong cableway to the dam of the power station. Before I read the travel notes, it was said that there was a path to go to the dam of the power station, but it was not obvious on many maps for this path, and it was really tiring to climb up. Therefore, it is recommended to take the 30 yuan one-way Xinglong cableway, which is a form of three cable cars climbing up together. The scenery on the way is very general.

It hasn't rained here for a long time. It can be seen that the water level of the dam of the power station has decreased a lot, and the water is dirty.

There are footpaths leading to Wulongtan, Huanglongtan, sanbaoshu and Huanglong Temple. The road is smooth, surrounded by huge fir trees, quiet and cool, very suitable for walking.

Walking near Wulongtan, a stream passes through the rocks. Many parents and their children play with water and catch fish here.

The picture below shows Wulongtan. It is said that Wulongtan is also one of the locations of journey to the West.

The best way to see the waterfall is after the heavy rain. But now the weather is relatively dry, and the water is not as strong as before. There is no bubble in the water, and the water is not clean.

Go on to Huanglongtan, the water is much clearer than Wulongtan.

Three treasure trees, two Cryptomeria fortunei and one Ginkgo biloba need several people to embrace each tree.

It has been more than 1600 years, according to the cross of "Brahma tree (Liushan), Seng Tanshen hand stick" carved on the huge rock under the tree. Tanshen is the founder of Dalin temple and a disciple of Huiyuan, an eminent monk of Donglin temple.

In front of the three treasure trees is Huanglong Temple. According to the age of the three treasure trees, we can guess that Huanglong Temple was built in the Jin Dynasty. Besides the three treasure trees, there are many ancient trees around it.

It's one o'clock since I came here. After visiting so many scenic spots in the morning, my legs are tired. It seems that the two-day tour of Lushan is really a bit of a rush. It's better to live on Lushan for about a week and visit one or two scenic spots every day. It's much more leisurely.

After Huanglong Temple, walk along the trail behind the temple, and you can get to the Lulin Lake Bridge in 15 minutes.

Lulin lake is located in the East Valley Lulin basin at an altitude of 1040 meters, so it is also called East Lake.

The surface of the lake is basically round. It is obvious that the water here, such as Qinhu lake, is much clearer because it is the drinking water source for more than 10000 residents in Guling town and belongs to the first-class water source protection area. Chairman Mao also swam here.

The two artificial lakes in Lushan, such as Qinhu lake and Lulin lake, have their own characteristics. For example, the charming Qinhu lake and the bright Lulin lake are worth seeing.

Next to Lulin lake are Mao Zedong Poetry Garden and Lushan Museum (No.1 villa in Lulin), with beautiful scenery and scenic spots.

The bread for lunch is hungry and tired at this time, so we have to go back to Dajiao youth brigade to have a rest. Take a bus from Lulin intersection station back to the conference center station, walk back to the hotel, sleep for a while, take a bath, leave at 3:30, and take the path to Guanyun Pavilion. This scenic spot is extremely small, few tourists have been there, and the road signs are not obvious. I follow the general direction, cross Guling town to the west, and walk all the way to the trail on the mountain. Later it was found that the real entrance was behind Guanyun villa.

Guanyun Pavilion overlooks scissors gorge. The scenery is very spectacular. It is also an excellent place to watch the clouds and fog of Lushan Mountain.

The pavilion is built on a huge rock with cliff on three sides. There is no fence. It is very dangerous. In fact, there are no guardrails in many dangerous places of Lushan Mountain, but only yellow warning lines are painted on the huge stones on the edge of the cliff. It's brave to meet a few children.

On the way back, look back at Guanyun Pavilion.

Get off at "Xiangshan intersection station" and walk a few steps to the story of the old villa.

At that time, Li Deli cheated and rented Lushan Mountain from the Qing government at a low price. The contract said that he wanted to set up 999. Li Deli obtained huge profits by leasing and selling land. Thirty three years later, that is, on December 31, 1935, Lushan's so-called British concession was officially withdrawn, and Li deli's unequal transaction was abandoned forever. At this time, Lushan has changed into a different face. The humiliation at that time, in today's view, also brought the essence of architecture in various countries. People from different countries have built villas in Lushan. So far, there are more than 600 well preserved villas in 18 countries. Among the famous mountains in China, Lushan is the only one with such a large-scale "international village".

More famous are Pearl S. Buck's former residence, Li Deli villa, villa bar, Dutch windmill villa, church, etc. Later, many central leaders also built villas here, such as Deng Xiaoping's former residence, Mao Zedong's former residence, Ye Jianying's former residence, etc.

Unfortunately, the story of the old villa is being renovated inside, and tourists are not allowed to visit it. I sneaked in when the staff didn't pay attention.

Every villa here has a story. Unfortunately, it's not allowed to enter the villa.

It's really a summer resort to stroll here.


Old villa bar

Holland windmill villa.

Pearl S. Buck's former residence (Memorial)

And manjushahua everywhere

After seeing the villa, I wanted to go to the museum beside the lake. However, when I got off at the "Museum Station", I suddenly found that it was Monday and the museum was closed... So I saw the lake again, this time from the other side.

Note that the Museum Station is a one-way station. You can only take the bus to the conference center, not to hanpokou.

Take the bus back to the conference center station, then walk to Wangjiang Pavilion, ready to watch the sunset.

The stone lines on the viewing platform seem to form a natural landscape painting. It's like a miniature Lushan Mountain. Can you see it?

Guling town in the dark

The next big wave of sunsets

This is a sunset in uncle's SLR.

When I went to the street garden in Guling town in the evening, I suddenly found that it was occupied by my parents and started square dancing. The hustle and bustle is full of local people, many tourists also happily joined the ranks of square dance. At this time, Guling was not a tourist town, but a town full of life.

When I had dinner in Hemian street, I saw an artist painting from Lushan Mountain.

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