To celebrate its 50th anniversary, Southwest Airlines has launched a program to complete a collective one million Acts of Kindness.

As part of a program with customers, employees, partners and suppliers, Southwest announced anyone looking to participate could sign the airline's Kindness Pledge and committing to doing Acts of Kindness for others through December 31.

In addition, each signature on the Kindness Pledge and Act of Kindness that is shared on social media using the hashtag #HeartinAction will count toward achieving the one million goal.

Since receiving a sneak peek of the one million Acts of Kindness challenge in January, employees have already logged more than 62,000 acts, including recognizing fellow crew members for their Acts of Kindness and volunteering at organizations.

“We are the airline with Heart, founded on The Golden Rule – treating others as you would like to be treated – so celebrating our 50th Anniversary year with a kindness challenge is fitting,” Southwest Senior Vice President Linda Rutherford said. “Our Employees live out The Golden Rule each day through their interactions with each other, our Customers, and in our communities.”

“We're excited to all come together to inspire a kinder tomorrow, because at Southwest, we're more than an airline, we're your neighbor,” Rutherford continued. “And neighbors take care of each other.”

The airline will provide updates on the progress towards the one million Acts of Kindness goal, ideas on how to remain engaged and share heartfelt stories throughout the year on Southwest’s official website .

The Southwest Kindness Pledge reads as follows:

I pledge to spark acts of kindness – one at a time, sprinkling compassion around the world.

I will practice Hospitality, making people feel welcomed, cared for, and appreciated.

I will treat others with courtesy, politeness, and respect.

I will do little things, because little things make a big difference.

I commit to putting my Heart in Action, sharing a smile and little bit of love, and making someone's day a little brighter.

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