Days: 7 days

Time: October

Per capita: 10000 yuan

With whom: one person

Play: photography, free travel, humanities, food, hiking, shopping

The author went to these places



Pedestrian Street

Little Mermaid

Rosenberg Palace





National Museum of Denmark

Gefion Fountain



Published on November 3, 2014 20:43

[overlooking the canal area of Copenhagen from the hall of the Savior, VOR frelsers kirke]

"From then on, the brave prince and the beautiful princess lived a happy life in the forest." Denmark, the kingdom of fairy tales, is also staging a realistic version of fairy tales. It not only has beautiful scenery, but also has people who live and work in peace and contentment. Its happiness index has long been one of the world's best. In recent years, these beautiful stories are attracting more and more tourists. Here, the flying bear presents the deep tour strategy of Denmark during the National Day golden week.

1、 Visa

Denmark is a Schengen country. From the experience of applying for a visa in Shanghai, Feixiong thinks it is not difficult. The convenience lies in that as long as the on-the-job certificate is from Shanghai, there is no need to provide temporary residence permit or residence permit, you can send the visa at the visa center in Shanghai. In addition, in terms of credit, it's OK to pull a bank memo without freezing bank deposits or providing documents such as house property certificate.

2、 Air tickets

Shanghai Pudong has direct flights to and from Copenhagen( Sk998 / 997, you can book tickets directly from Ctrip. Just rest comfortably for about ten hours on the plane, and you can go to any fountain in northern Europe to feed pigeons. If you avoid the first and last days during the national day, the total fare including tax may be as low as 5000 yuan.

3、 Climate

Denmark has a temperate marine climate. The climate is mild throughout the year. The highest temperature here is only 20 degrees in summer, which is cool and pleasant. In winter, it will be several degrees below zero. The temperature is about 10-15 degrees during the national day. It's about 10 degrees lower than Shanghai.

4、 Money and tips

[Danish currency: DKR 2. The flying bear actually took the only coin. Do you believe it

Note: Denmark is not a euro zone country. The legal tender is Danish krona, which can be exchanged for about 1.1 RMB per gram.

Pay more attention: in Denmark, when you exchange euro, US dollar or even RMB for Danish krona, in addition to earning the exchange rate difference, you will also be charged a 12.99% service charge, no ceiling! Therefore, it is best to exchange a certain amount of DKR in the Bank of China before departure.

Even if you swipe a credit card, you will be charged a handling charge ranging from 2% to 4% outside the price

[what is the service charge for credit card in Denmark]

Denmark basically does not have the habit of tipping, restaurant service charge has been included in the bill, extra tips are not necessary, depending on your mood!

5、 Time difference and reverse time difference

Denmark uses European time, with a 7-hour time difference from China. The time difference between the last Sunday in March and the fourth Sunday in October is 6 hours.

It's easier to jet lag from China to Denmark. Take sk998 to take off from Pudong. After ten hours flight, the time to Copenhagen is past 7:00 p.m. (equivalent to 1:00 midnight Chinese time). It's normal to feel a little tired, so go to the hotel and have a good sleep! The next morning, you are likely to wake up at 4 or 5 a.m. local time (equivalent to 10 or 11 a.m. in China) and get ready to start your day's journey. Come back early in the evening, go to bed early, basically do not need special jet lag, stay for a few days, your biological clock will slowly synchronize with the local.

It's a little difficult to change the time difference from Denmark to China, because the day of flight is only 17 or 8 hours. Fortunately, sk997 is on a night flight from Copenhagen to Shanghai. When you get on the plane at 6 p.m., please sleep for 10 hours. When you wake up, it's after 10 a.m. at Pudong airport.

6、 Transportation

Copenhagen has only one international airport. Nordic Airlines is in terminal 3. From the airport, you can take the subway directly to the city. The airport is about 8 km away from the urban area. It takes DKR 2 or DKR 300 to take a taxi.

At present, there are only two metro lines M1 and M2 in Copenhagen, which are seamlessly connected with Denmark's huge railway system at the transfer station n ú Rreport St. And Denmark's rail system can take you anywhere in Denmark and the European continent. Copenhagen's bus lines are also very dense, but the waiting time between buses is relatively long.

If you hold the Copenhagen card, you can take the subway (including the airport), bus and train in the greater Copenhagen area for free, which will be described in detail later.

7、 Schedule

[day one] take Nordic Airlines flight sk998 from Pudong, Shanghai to Copenhagen.

The flight took off at 14:15 local time in Shanghai and arrived at 19:20 Copenhagen time. The actual flight time is just over 10 hours. If you just sit in the window seat on the left side of the plane, you can enjoy a long afternoon. The sun keeps circling in the sky and doesn't set, or even rises again. It's amazing.

[from Shanghai to Copenhagen: a 10 hour long afternoon]

The four engine Airbus A340 is flying. Although it has been 22 years since its first flight, it still has a good flight safety record. What's more, the 4-engine plane feels more stable than the A330 twin engine aircraft? I don't know if it's the psychological function of the bear.

Because these 10 hours are not the time to sleep, I suggest you take some books to read on the road. For those who have no time to make strategies like Feixiong, you can first type out all the information found on the Internet and use the 10 hours to study it slowly.

[Copenhagen Airport: local materials, all wood flooring]

Upon arrival, the entry procedure in Denmark is more convenient than that in the United States or Australia. First of all, there is no need to fill in the border card! It's environmentally friendly and efficient. Secondly, the customs inspection of checked baggage is similar to that of China's entry, and there is no too cumbersome and harsh procedure.

Go to bed early when you get to the hotel in Copenhagen! Don't worry about the so-called local time. We will gradually adapt in the next few days. Of course, if you feel that the three meals along the way by Nordic airlines are not enough, you can also go out and find some snacks nearby. If it's not too late, the roadside hot dog stand may be a good choice.

[the next day] walk from the pedestrian street to the little mermaid

The main scenic spots in Copenhagen are not far away from each other. First of all, flying bear suggests you take a quick look around.

At first, it's not easy to find your position in this castle like city. In addition to looking for free maps at airports or hotels, it is also recommended that you pre install Google Maps application on your mobile phone (most of the map applications in China are out of business when you go abroad) to use at any time. Students who want to avoid international traffic can preview the place they want to go in hotels or other places with WiFi. At this time, the map is put into the cache of the mobile phone. Even after the traffic is turned off, you can also use the map to locate.

Depending on the location of your hotel, start your trip to Copenhagen by going to the downtown str ú get. This is the longest commercial pedestrian street in Europe!

Fashion on the pedestrian street

My friends who like shopping will spend most of the day... However, Feixiong's suggestion is not to buy things so early. You can start with window shopping and decide which to buy the day before you leave. After all, the city is very small, so it's easy to visit again.

Pedestrian street also has a lot of food, from regular restaurants and cafes to roadside hot dogs or Chinese fast food. You can have some of what you like!

[fairy tale fortress Kastellet]

From the pedestrian street to the northeast, you can pass two ancient castles - the one on the West will pass Rosenberg castle, and the one on the East will pass Amalienborg palace. Finally, it will be close to Kastellet fortress. The famous little mermaid statue is on the beach beside the fortress.


[day 3] two important castles in the city

From today on, we will start to visit some scenic spots we must go to! Then, which scenic spots to go to and how to go are the problems that need to be carefully planned. Of course, you can see some strategies and introductions in advance. There are three choices about how to get there: rent your own car, take a taxi or take a bus. Due to the high cost of human resources, European countries must reduce the empty rate of taxis to ensure the income of drivers. Therefore, taxis on the street are not as convenient as those in some cities in China, and the price will be higher. Therefore, what flying bear recommends is a solution that can solve the problem of traffic and scenic spot tickets at the same time: Copenhagen card.

Copenhagen card holders have free access to 75 museums and attractions, and the list includes almost all the places they must visit. All the places in this series are on this list. At the same time, the holder of the card can take all buses, trains and subways (including subways to and from the airport) free of charge in the greater Copenhagen area. Taking two children under the age of 10 is also a single fee. The card can be purchased at local 7 / 11 stores, hotels and terminal 3 lufthavnen 2770 Kastrup of Copenhagen Airport. You can decide to buy a valid card for a few days according to the length of your stay in Copenhagen.

What flying bear prefers is the handbook attached to the Copenhagen card, which introduces all the free and discount attractions with pictures and texts. In addition to the address and telephone number, each scenic spot also provides information on how to use Copenhagen card to get there by bus for free. Another important message is the opening and closing time of each scenic spot, so as to help you plan your itinerary more effectively and not be shut down because of the wrong time of visit.

[crown in the underground treasure of rose Castle]

Today, the flying bear played three attractions and projects: Rosenborg castle, Amalienborg palace and Copenhagen Canal Cruise. I remember watching the parade in front of the Queen's palace at noon.

[silver in the Queen's palace]

If you still have time, you can walk to Xingang to take part in the Canal Cruise. You can quickly experience the charm of the city on the water.

[Canal Cruise from Xingang]

[day 4] Frederiksborg and Kronborg Castle

As mentioned earlier, the Copenhagen card can be used in the whole greater Copenhagen area, including Frederiksberg municipality, Roskilde, Hiller ˊ D, Helsing ˊ R, etc. If you have a few days in Copenhagen, you may take a high-speed train to visit some good scenic spots in these cities.

Feixiong suggests that you can start from central station early in the morning and first go to Hiller to visit Frederick castle. At the central station in Copenhagen, there are trains to Hiller ú D, which are quite rich in frequency and can basically follow.

[information desk in the middle of Copenhagen central station]

The central station in Copenhagen is very big. It may be a bit faint when you come in for the first time. If you don't know which platform to take to Hiller ú D, you can go to the information desk in the center of the station hall. There is a big DSB information sign on the information desk.

[Copenhagen central station platform] then, you will find that there is no need to check tickets from the waiting hall to the platform. God, it turns out that European countries rely on self-consciousness to buy train tickets! But don't be lucky. In case of being checked, the consequences will be very serious! When you get to Hiller, the exit of the railway station is the bus station. You can find it in the Copenhagen card manual. You can take 301302 or 303 to Frederick castle. It is suggested that you always check with the driver when you get on the bus, so as to avoid sitting in the wrong direction. The right direction should be the train leaving the station to the left.

The church in Frederiksborg

The church in the castle has a splendid golden wall. Note that the church is only open for about one hour at noon, so make sure to arrange the tour during this time. In the afternoon, return to the railway station as soon as possible. The name of the bus station here is Hiller ú D St.

When you enter the railway station again, you will find that Hiller's railway station is divided into left and right sides. The tracks on both sides are separated by platforms, and the middle is discontinuous. The track on the right is the s-train (Intercity Express) returning to Copenhagen, while the track on the left is the train from Hiller ˊ d to other suburban cities, including two trains to Helsing ˊ R. Please note that these two buses will take two routes respectively, and platform 14 bus will take a long distance, which will take more than an hour. And platform 16 will take a short line, only about 40 minutes.

Helsingh's kalunburg Palace

Take the platform 16 train to hersingh via the picturesque Danish countryside. After getting off, take bus 803, just one stop to kalunburg palace. Kalunburg palace is the castle prototype described by Shakespeare in Hamlet, so it is also called "Hamlet Palace". It is located by the sea, across the sea from Helsingborg, Sweden.

It's satisfying to visit two important scenic spots in one day, then take the s-train (Intercity Express) to Copenhagen in the setting sun. Since Copenhagen's central station is not the terminal, it's still a bit confusing which bus to take. It doesn't matter. On the one hand, it depends on the flow of people. After all, it's the mainstream that goes back to Copenhagen. On the other hand, if you ask the kind and hospitable Danes, they generally know English.

[day 5] roskiller Cathedral

[organ playing in roskile Cathedral]

Today is a more leisure day... After running for a few days, you can sleep lazily until after 9 o'clock today, and then go to the central station to take the train to Roskilde to visit the world cultural heritage Roskilde cathedral. Then you can stroll around the small town and feel the leisurely life in northern Europe.

After getting off at roskile railway station, you don't need to take a bus. You can walk directly for about 15 minutes to reach the church. The general direction is about 1 km ahead of the railway station, and then 500 meters to the left. The church has a pointed top, which is a good road sign to guide the way.

[day 6] climb to experience the life of Danes, go shopping and return to Shanghai by Nordic Airlines flight

[salvation hall for sightseeing]

The best place to climb to see the Danish city is in the Church of our Saviour Dan VOR frelsers kirke near the christianhavn subway station. Visitors can climb on the top of the spiral tower and watch the 360 degree panoramic city of Copenhagen in a gradual spiral climb.

Food market in Copenhagen

Out of the tourist area, if you want to really understand the life of the Danes, you can go to the west of the n ü Rreport subway station. There is a big food market called torvehallerne food market, where you can learn about the real life of Copenhagen residents and taste the delicious food they enjoy everyday.

As for the last shopping before leaving, there are many choices on the pedestrian street, from major brand stores to comprehensive Illum department stores, as well as various street stalls. If you want to buy souvenirs related to tourism, you can also go to the ticket office of major scenic spots. Feixiong recommends the drugstore in the center of the city. Some brands have good prices. After the purchase of 300 kronor and issuing a tax refund form, you can apply to the Customs for a tax refund of up to 10% before leaving the airport.

Then, you can take Nordic Airlines flight sk997 back to Shanghai! Due to jet lag and 6 or 7 hours less in one day, Feixiong suggests sleeping all the way. Don't arrange too important things when you return to Shanghai after 10 o'clock the next morning, and have a good rest at home!

If you visit the above attractions and have a holiday, you can consider taking a train to Odense, Andersen's hometown. There, you can spend a day or two to learn about the childhood life of the king of fairy tales.

Next is the specific pictures of each scenic spot:


From the pedestrian street in the center of Copenhagen to the northeast, you will soon pass by the Queen's Palace Amalienborg and continue to go north. Suddenly, those tall European buildings are gone. When you are enlightened, you will enter a fairy tale kingdom surrounded by trees and rivers. Its strange riverbanks are not naturally formed, but are as childlike as the curves in cartoons made by painters.

Because I didn't do the homework of this scenic spot in advance, looking at the landscape, the flying bear has been asking himself, is this a park? Or where?

From a distance, a low bridge leads to the other bank. I really want to go in and have a look.

It can be seen that, just like the castle in ancient times, the entrance is a bit of a one man gate, and ten thousand people can't open it. If the bridge is cut off, is it very difficult to reach the opposite side?

Does that mean that this is a castle? Not so much, because there is no high wall, only a low slope, covered with grass.

From afar, many residents are strolling or jogging on the top of the slope!

It was built in 1626 by Christian IV, the former king of Denmark. The purpose is to play a defensive role in the north of Copenhagen and become a sanctuary for the king,

So there is everything in the fortress, including its own church and mill.

Walking on the rampart, you can see these small fort from time to time, which shows the defensive function of the fortress itself.

There is a five pointed star shaped moat outside the city. It forms a beautiful picture.

There are a lot of local people here. On the contrary, there are not many tourists.

An old couple is walking in the sun.



If you can run in this kind of place every day, you will surely live as long as the fairy tale?

It's not only the body to exercise, but also the mood to relax.

Even pets are here to enjoy the beautiful autumn!

This is the windmill in the fortress, which is responsible for converting the wind into mechanical energy. Its original function is to grind flour to make food, so it is also called the mill.

Today's Moulin Rouge has become a scenic spot of the fortress.

The mill needs to be well guarded.

Is Moulin Rouge and green grass a good place for wedding photography?

From the "city wall", we can see all kinds of buildings in the fortress, and the colors are very bright.

In case of troops outside the city, the original king could still stay inside for a while.

These houses, known as rows, were barracks designed at the time.

Of course, there are warehouses, arsenals and other buildings.


1.Castrate fortress is about 2 kilometers north of the city center, which is recommended to walk to.

3.It's open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day

4.Cyclists, please don't go to the wall!

5.You can walk your dog. No fishing.

Newport (Nyhavn)

Copenhagen, with a say go trip, to experience the fairy tale King Andersen a desperate love.

At home and abroad, children in every country are familiar with this sad love story: the little mermaid, in order to stay in love with the prince, left her family and risked the risk of becoming a bubble to give the witch a beautiful and moving voice and turn the fish tail into two legs. But the prince finally failed to marry her. The little mermaid finally turned into foam with the sun rising.

In the eyes of Danes, the original form of this melancholy, brooding little mermaid is almost Andersen himself. He also had a desperate love affair, but finally because his lover married the rich second generation, he was cold hearted and lonely for life.

In the south of Kastellet, there is an Anglican Church, St. Alban's church, which was built in 1885.

It is a Gothic Revival architecture inspired by the early English style. The church is made of limestone.

On the east side of the church, there is a famous gefion fountain. It depicts the Nordic myth of a four headed cow goddess gaifeiang. It is the largest statue in Copenhagen and is often used as a wishing pool.

The fountain was created by Danish sculptor allas? Anders bungaard was created in 1908, which took ten years according to the legend of Cymbidium. In 2008, gefion fountain just passed its centenary.

The people by the fountain are reading and listening quietly. Are they also experiencing the legend of gaffeon? However, these fairy tales also reflect the complicated feelings among the Nordic countries from a certain angle.

The above are some scenic spots that we must go to in Copenhagen. It takes almost half a day to complete this circle. OK, take a rest when you are tired.

Amalienborg slotsplads

What attracts the most attention from tourists is the guard changing ceremony that these soldiers begin at noon every day. At this time, the square is full of onlookers.

Because the bear didn't know where the soldiers came from and where they were going, he was confused about where to stand. Just after 12 o'clock, a group of soldiers came out of a house in the southwest—— It's a very recognizable location: it's the only one in the square between the two palaces connected by arches.

Team up.

After the line-up, it's quite neat.

Then, on the road opposite the Church of Frederick, came another line.

The team walked over and stood face to face with the previous team.

There is an aisle between the two teams.

Face to face

There were a lot of onlookers.

The new soldiers will not act separately, it will be very messy. So they integrated into a team and finished each post in turn.

When arriving at a post, a soldier in the queue will come out to replace the soldier on the post.

Unlike the Chinese army, the two soldiers do not raise their right hands to salute when they change posts. They just salute in this way. It seems that they are still reciting something.

After the ceremony, the soldiers who came to take over were officially on duty. What's interesting is that high bearskin caps are worn so low that they can really see the road ahead and won't hit the pillars? Feixiong also wants to wear such a high hat to try!

It's time to have a rest after standing for such a long time!

Here are some experiences:

2.There are police to maintain order in the whole process, so don't move forward at will!

3.Most of the time, the guards are far away from the crowd. Remember to bring a telephoto lens. 200 mm is the minimum.

4.Soldiers may walk by you when they are marching. You can take a close-up shot.

Of course, pigeons are not subject to the above rules. It's none of your business to hand over your work.

Frederiksborg Palace

Frederiksburg, also known as Frederiksborg Palace (English Frederiksborg palace, Danish Frederiksborg slot), is located in Shiller, Denmark. Founded in 1560, it was only a private manor at that time. Later, it was presented to Queen Sophie by King Frederick II of Denmark to win her smile. The most convenient way to get to Hiller from Copenhagen is by train to central station. As soon as he enters central station in Copenhagen, the bear remembers the station leading to the school of magic in Harry Potter. I don't know if there is a secret door to another time? A pigeon is walking in the hall of the station... As mentioned earlier, there are many trains from Copenhagen station to various places, and the signs in the station are mainly in Danish. In case you don't know where to take the bus, you'd better go to the information desk DSB information in the center. The station in the early morning has quiet light and shadow. After leaving Copenhagen, the train galloped in the beautiful countryside. Unfortunately, the Danes who are blind to the beautiful scenery fall asleep... After arriving at Hiller? D in Hiller, there is a bus out of the railway station. Take No. 301302 or 303 to Fredericksburg. It is suggested that you always check with the driver when you get on the bus, so as to avoid sitting in the wrong direction. The right direction should be the train leaving the station to the left. About 20 minutes, the car will stop 100 meters in front of the castle. Say hello to the driver and he will remind you to get off. Fredericksburg is located on one side of a lake called slotss? En, surrounded by castle gardens, green trees and lawns, which is very pleasant. The inner and outer courtyards of the castle are connected by a brick bridge. Castle is the style of the Dutch Renaissance, the main building has four stories high. Although the red brick decoration outside the building is relatively monotonous, the decoration and furnishings inside Frederick's castle are quite rich. Up the stairs, it's all about war. The large-scale oil painting, bright wall color and warm wooden floor make the castle full of warmth and affection in this Nordic country. The castle has 60 halls, which are magnificent under the construction and maintenance of several emperors. Most of the rooms still retain the articles used in those years, which reproduces the luxury of the royal family in those years. The light blue wall creates a quiet atmosphere in the bedroom. Once you close your eyes, you can find the stars and moon in the night sky in your dream. There are many rare things in the Royal study and living room. This exquisite globe should be one. In addition to statues, there are also works depicting major historical events, as well as landscape paintings. Feixiong encountered a group of students visiting the castle, but they couldn't understand what their teacher said. Knights hall, also known as the bar room, is spacious. The tapestry was used to depict the coronation of Christian IV and the victory of the Kalma war. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in the fire in 1859 and can only be rebuilt according to the previous description. What's interesting is that Feixiong catches up with the hall today to display the old palace costumes. Although Fredericksburg is a whole, its interior is relatively independent of several buildings, part of which is the magnificent church. In order to spoil his wife Sophie, Frederick II specially built a "Queen's Gallery" so that Sophie could go directly to the church to pray without leaving the castle. The church is only open to visitors when there is no ceremony at noon. When you come to visit, you must reserve the time between 12 and 1 noon. Undoubtedly, the church is the most crystal clear and holy place in the Crystal Palace. Flying bear and children visit the church together. The angel of the praying congregation overlooking from above - it sits on the organ of the church. Tall church windows. It is a unique way to distinguish men and women in the toilet by statues. The leaves in the garden began to turn yellow. The courtyard style of European atmosphere is also reflected here.

Kronborg (also known as Hamlet Castle)

To be or not to be, that is the question. Hamlet is the prince of Denmark. The world cultural heritage site, Kronborg, is the original palace in Hamlet's play, so it is also called Hamlet palace. After visiting Fort fitlieburg in Hiller, take the train to Helsing? R, where the kalunburg palace is located. Hiller is a very warm town. Lovely riding children in the street. Do you know how to ride a bike? Take the bus back to the railway station. Because the railway station is not the terminal of the bus, when you notice it, press the "stop" key to give the driver a prompt. Although most of the time people get off here. Because there was no time for lunch, flying bear bought a small box of spaghetti at 7 / 11 of the railway station. 25 Danish francs, or about 27 yuan, may be one of the most economical ways to relieve hunger. Note that there are two trains from hillere to hersingh, one is a long line, the other is a short line, passing through different towns. This one on platform 14 is a long line through tisvildeleje. It takes one and a half hours to get to hersingh. And the line on platform 16 is short, only about 40 minutes. Don't take the wrong bus. Feixiong asked several people here, but no one made it clear. Finally, I had to ask the uniformed staff to take the No.16 bus. After getting on the bus, I confirmed with the passengers. Hersingh is a small town on the narrowest side of the Strait of ERLE, opposite helsingh, Finland. Kalunburg palace, which means "palace of the crown", was built by King Frederick II from 1574. The castle was designed and built by Dutch architects. The palace is made of rock with a magnificent brown copper roof. It is the most exquisite Renaissance palace in northern Europe. The castle is square on all sides. Besides the interior of the castle, there is also a church and cellar. Feixiong just came out of fitlieburg. By contrast, the interior of kalunburg palace is much simpler. But there's more lighting. In reality, kalunburg palace was originally built to fight against the hegemony of Sweden, which is the symbol of Denmark's maritime hegemony. At the beginning of the 19th century, kalunburg palace witnessed the war between Denmark and Britain. The palace of the king and Queen's bedroom has a beautiful ceiling painting, marble fireplace. And Scandinavia's longest, Renaissance style 62 meter hall. At the beginning, there must have been a lot of aristocrats in the Imperial Palace who were extravagant. The palace also has a large collection of ship models. The Castle Museum records the glorious history of Denmark's navigation era with a large number of paintings, navigation instruments and weapons. After the tour, see the laser effect again. From here, you can enter the secret passage of the castle. Once the invasion of foreign enemies, the situation is not good, then the king can directly enter this secret passage from the bedroom. And fled from it. When flying bear visited, it was close to closing time. There was no one else in it. Its gloomy feeling was not cold but creepy. At the entrance of the underpass stands the statue of Holger Danske, the legendary Viking leader. It is said that this majestic and famous hero is always watching Denmark. When the time comes to need him, he will kill the land and sea that he once denounced. The church in the castle. It was late when I left the castle, and the sunset made the town warm. Suddenly I saw an Asian woman reading a book on the bank. On the way back to Copenhagen, flying bear sat opposite a Danish woman who taught herself Chinese. I enjoyed chatting in English and Chinese all the way. Why did she learn Chinese? She said she had been to China once and wanted to cultivate a new interest when she came back. Flying bear has a feeling. When will busy Chinese like us have time to cultivate interest without utility? Not for the exam, not for going abroad, not for making money, but for the quality of life and attitude to cultivate interest?

Urban botanical garden

In Denmark, you don't need to go to any place to see the scenery, because you are always in the scenery.

This morning, I was going to visit Rosenberg castle in Copenhagen, but I arrived early and slipped into the Botanical Garden opposite.

It was autumn, and I was attracted by the colorful plants at the door at the beginning. Red, yellow, green, in short, autumn is just right.

Early in the morning, there were not many people in the botanical garden. A earphone man and a woman who went away. Did they just have a fight?

A lot of loneliness.

Oh, it turns out that the lady is also a photography lover, capturing autumn scenery!

There is a small pool in the garden.

All around the plants are emitting autumn light, reflected in the pool, it is more delicious.

I didn't expect that such a prosperous area as the capital city could also have such a rest.

Yellow and red leaves can be seen everywhere in autumn, but their color is so spotless that it's not easy.

The greenhouse in the botanical garden.

Although it's too early to get in, it's good to see the domineering greenhouse outside.

Such a good environment, no wonder Denmark is the first livable country in the world!

It is reasonable to live in such a place all the time and produce many beautiful fairy tales.

small bridge.

And sculpture

There are many sculptures in the botanical garden. I think they all have their own history. What is more embarrassing is this group of statues.

It's not surprising that there are many nude sculptures in Europe, but why is one of them neatly dressed and the other naked? Is there a man or a woman on the left? On the right is man or God? From the vivid expressions of the two, which part of the legend and what plot does it come from?

Time's up. We're on our way to Rosenberg.

In China, happy time is cherished. And here, happy time seems to be used to sprinkle, happy with their own happiness, until old

delicious food

When it comes to Danish cuisine, the first things people think of are all kinds of seafood, Danish sandwiches and hot dogs everywhere on the street. However, as a Chinese who has been away from home for many days, is it a bit nostalgic for his hometown? After a few days in Copenhagen, Feixiong broke into a French restaurant with Chinese flavor and tasted the taste of Chinese and Western walls.

This restaurant in central Denmark is called the red box. The store is small, but very warm.

The ceiling lamp is decorated with red lampshade to highlight the theme of red box.

Well, the bear just sat down.

There was only one person, so the extra tableware was taken away. In fact, this environment is quite suitable for two people to have a romantic time.

Man, come over and ask what you want to eat.

In fact, the choice of French food is much simpler than Chinese food, which is generally three ways: 1. The first meal is roughly equivalent to the appetizer of Chinese food, with small portion, delicious taste and appetizer. 2. The main course is usually full, such as steak and pork chops. 3. Desserts, such as ice cream cake, are high in calories and fat.

Generally, free bread with olive oil and vinegar will be served before the meal. Some guests can fill the remaining space in their stomach with bread when they have too much to eat after three meals. Of course, a small amount of food can also skip one or two of them, do not have to support the whole process.

As for drinks, hot water is generally provided free of charge. Of course, you can order a fruit juice drink before the meal, with all kinds of red wine during the meal, and a cup of tea or coffee after the meal.

However, the food in this restaurant can't be ordered singly, it must be a complete set. There are several kinds of appetizers and staple food for guests to choose from. So, compared with standard French food, what kind of French food will be influenced by Chinese flavor?

The first thing to come up is the appetizer. Note that this is not the first meal, just equivalent to the bread and vinegar usually served before the French meal. Call it the first meal. Basically, it's equivalent to a dish of pickles in Sichuan restaurant or a dish of sour beans in Guilin rice noodle shop.

However, delicacy is the characteristic of French food. Even if it's a free side dish. On the right is a prawn with natural vegetable seasoning, served on a fried prawn slice, and on the right is a fried seafood ball with bean sprouts.

This is the side dish under the shrimp, which seems to be tomato and cucumber.

After the prawns are finished, Feixiong remembers that this dish should be wrapped with prawns and seasonings like a Mexican chicken roll? Is eating separately equivalent to eating the stuffing of steamed buns before eating the skin I can't manage so much. I can eat as much as I want.

OK, finish the appetizer quickly. The appetizer comes up. There are five things in a big black plate. This dish is the shop's signature. It's called five from China! What is it?

The first one looks like a spring roll. With a thin skin wrapped in pickled vegetables, chew fresh sweet.

Different from the ingredients of Chinese spring roll, it is sprinkled with ground peanuts, coupled with green onion and some herbs, and tastes more like some salads.

Scallops - this form is familiar in Chinese cuisine. However, the meat here has been refined and tasted crisp and tender, which is totally different from the traditional steamed flavor of Cantonese cuisine.

This squid is characterized by putting carefully prepared ingredients and sauce into the squid center. The delicious taste is slowly released with chewing.

This group wrapped with sesame should come from the idea of zhiyuanxiao! Sesame increases the adsorption capacity of the seasoning, so the sweet and spicy sauce on it increases the taste!

The last one is fried squid. The sauce is just right. After enjoying 5 pre meals, we welcome the staple food. There are fish chops, lamb chops, steaks and ducks to choose from.

The fish steak is equipped with lotus root, Cardamine and potato, and is watered with nine layer tower, pepper and vinegar juice. From the selection of ingredients, it's really Chinese style: the method of matching vegetables under fish is very similar to Wujiang roast fish! The nine storey pagoda also tastes like Taiwan's three cups of chicken.

There are several differences between French food and Chinese food: Chinese food is characterized by many dishes. People around a table can order more than ten or even twenty dishes without repeating them. And the French meal is limited to the three courses mentioned above. However, the collocation of each dish in Chinese food is relatively simple. One meat and one vegetable is the most typical collocation (such as fried pork in farmhouse, or scrambled egg with tomato). There are four or five kinds of side dishes in each dish in French food, which are relatively rich. In addition, chopsticks are used for Chinese food, so the dishes have to be sliced before they are served, and then they can be directly imported. And Western food with a knife and fork, so on the dish can be some whole, on the table and then slowly and elegantly cut open to eat.

Well, finally, it's sweet. They're all restaurant made specials. Such a big plate is not for sharing, it's all for flying bears.

So, what kind of sweets are they?

First of all, brother cake.

It's covered with nuts.

Side with fresh mint leaves and chocolate sauce.

A charming apple pie in the dark.

With fresh cream.

And a thick chocolate ice cream.

Binge eating, binge eating, binge eating... It's over.

At this time, the chef Allan appeared and asked how the bear was eating. Then I talked about the entrepreneurial process of the restaurant. Allan comes from Hongkong, and he and his business partners originally worked in Michelin 3-star restaurant. Because they all have insatiable heart, so they come out and open this shop. He was deeply influenced by Chinese food since childhood, so he has been thinking about how to integrate Chinese elements into French food. That's why we have these unique dishes.

It was very hard to start a restaurant. However, he and his partners persisted because of their enthusiasm for this cause. The business is getting better year by year, and it has survived.

Having a good chat, Allan takes out the red wine and invites the bear to have a drink.

Flying bear thought while drinking, yes, no matter what you do, you must have all kinds of basic conditions, and you must also have the enthusiasm of never giving up. Only in this way can you do things to the extreme and get everyone's approval.

After eating and drinking, the guests basically dispersed. Feixiong walked around the shop and patted the shop. The high chair here is suitable for dining alone and meeting new friends.

All kinds of cups in the kitchen cabinet have the taste of Danish design.

All kinds of wine in the wine cabinet are the best choice for food.

Products and services with original elements are always the most valuable. I believe this kind of French food can bring special experience to Chinese.


1.You can find this restaurant on Google map. If you want to make a reservation in advance, you can also follow the wechat public number of Feixiong (scan the QR code below), and then enter "restaurant" to search the phone number and email address of the restaurant.

2.The price of Danish restaurants is about 40 Euro per person per meal, and there is a service charge for swiping the card.

Rosenberg and Queen's Palace

The Rosenberg castle in the center of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is heavily guarded every day because there are priceless treasures in the basement of the palace. What treasures are worth fighting for?

The Danish royal family is an ancient royal family. Since the 15th century, children who have inherited the throne have usually only used the names Christian or Frederick. For example, Christian III passed the throne to Frederick II, then to Christian IV, and so on. Christian means a follower of Christ. There are only two exceptions to this nomenclature, one of which is the current Queen Margaret II.

As the old saying goes, "a son of heaven, a courtier.". However, when you go to Europe, you will find that "a monarch makes a city.". Some emperors didn't want to stay in the old city of their parents, so they made it a top priority to build their own castles. So many halls of artistic and historical value have been left on this land for many years.

Rosenberg palace is located in the king's garden in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark, across the street from the Royal Botanical Garden. King Christian IV of Denmark started construction in 1606 and completed it in 1624. Rosenberg palace was the summer palace outside Copenhagen at that time. Outside the ancient city wall of Copenhagen, due to the expansion of the city, it is now the center of the city.

Entering Rosenberg palace, I found a large number of armed soldiers around. They all look serious. Or stand guard in place, or patrol slowly, do not know whether the role of this unit is to serve as a warning, or has a real defensive capability? Perhaps more important is to declare the majesty of the royal family!

The architectural style of Rosenberg palace is mainly the Dutch style of the Renaissance. The main building of the castle has three floors, with tower and revolving roof on the top. Every hall and room can be described as tall. First, the space is high; second, the area is large; third, the decoration is excellent.

Above is Christian IV's winter room on the ground floor, where 75 paintings he bought from Antwerp are hung.

The Knights' hall, located on the third floor, was originally a ballroom, but later a banquet hall. There were 12 huge tapestries in the room to celebrate the king's victory in the war.

The second floor is mainly for the royal family.

This is Frederick VII's room. It mainly displays articles related to his life and rule, which was designed five years after his death. Frederick VII was the last Danish monarch of the Oldenburg Dynasty. In the vigorous democratic revolution in Europe, he signed the establishment of the Danish Parliament in 1849, which transformed the autocratic rule into a constitutional monarchy and preserved the Danish royal family to this day.

The interior of the palace is very elegant, such as the chandelier and dome painting.

Therefore, it is known as one of the most beautiful Baroque interior decoration in Europe.

In addition to interior decoration, all kinds of furnishings and accessories are also superb. The aesthetic thought of European Renaissance is not only reflected in plaster sculpture outdoors, but also in these glittering gold statues indoors.

One of the rooms also has a large number of exquisite ceramic products, including the most typical Chinese blue and white porcelain. I don't know which emperor awarded it to foreigners?

After visiting the buildings on the ground, let's go deep into the Royal treasure of Denmark!

Christian IV was very interested in the collection of weapons. He kept the weapons created by Frederick III in good condition, as well as the weapons he used in the Scania war between 1675 and 79.

Interestingly, the weapon is followed by the wine. It seems that we should drink after a war, not only in ancient China (wine vessels and weapons were the two main types of bronzes in Yin Ruins), but also in European history. The first one is called gold chalice, which is a high foot gold wine cup with glaze.

In addition to wine glasses, there are all kinds of pure gold containers. The top left is Frederick III's coronation cup. In 1654, it was intended to be used by Hamburg to be loyal to Frederick III, but it failed. Hamburg remained independent at that time.

The crown of Christian IV is one of the treasures of the town. It was made by the goldsmith dirich fyring in Odense, Denmark's third largest city, from 1595 to 1596. Its total weight is 2.895 kg.

This is exactly the weight of a 1dx full frame SLR camera with a rabbit telephoto lens (70-200 f2.8). In those days, the king carried such a heavy crown every day to deal with state affairs, which was also quite hard.

And Christian V's crown looks a little lighter. This crown has lasted from the fifth to the eighth. It was made by Paul Kurtz in Copenhagen between 1670 and 1671 and weighs 2.08 kg. It is inlaid with two huge sapphires and two garnets.

Along with Christian V's crown is the Queen's crown, which was made in 1731.

Another gem is Amethyst, which weighs 261g, half a Jin! It is inlaid in a gold box and engraved with the name of Christian v. This treasure may be too rare to be used only when the king ascended the throne.

Diamond, ruby, sapphire, Amethyst... These gemstones are really dazzling. In the past, it was just a rare treasure I had heard of. Now it is in front of tourists, less than 0.1 meters away.

The sceptre, on the right, is made of pure gold and glazed with diamonds. It was also used for the coronation of Frederick III. It was made by an unknown goldsmith in Copenhagen in 1648.

The bear, dazzled by all kinds of gems, came out of the basement and went to the garden outside Rosenberg.

In addition to the Rosenberg palace, there are many ancient buildings here. The red roof and the large area of green lawn contrast.

Walk about 1 km southeast from Rosenberg garden to another Palace: the Amalienborg palace

Amarianburg palace is on the shore of the Strait of Orson, where the current king, Queen Margaret II, lives.

The soldiers at the gate of amarianburg Palace are all dressed up as royal life guards, which are different from those of Rosenberg guards. They look cute in black or red tunics, blue trousers and high bearskin naval caps.

Every day at 12 noon, there is a post changing ceremony in the square in front of amarianburg palace for tourists to watch.

Amarianburg palace is mainly a place where royal women live and children grow up.

This study of Frederick VIII was decorated in 1860. It was called the style of the new Renaissance. At that time, it was fashionable and the most fashionable, masculine and masculine.

On the left is Frederick VIII's study. Under it is a carpet made of real polar bear's skin!

On the top right is Christian IX's study. Heavy curtains and various trinkets are from Victorian design.

The dining room is on the lower left. It's what Christian X and queen Alexandrine looked like from 1899 to their death in the middle of the 20th century.

Chandeliers, table lamps and accessories are also very attention to detail.

In the costume Gallery, there is a huge piece of silver called "estate owners' Plateau."

It is a golden wedding souvenir presented by the landlords and their wives to Christian IX and queen Louis in 1892.

The silver ware is exquisite and grand, so luxurious that I can't bear to look directly at it.

Every angle of silverware seems to tell a vivid story.

There are also many portraits of royal family members in amarianburg.

On the left are portraits of two little princesses, Alexandra and Dagmar, completed in 1856. They are the two oldest daughters of Christian IX and queen Louis, who later became the queen of England and the empress of Russia.

On the right is a portrait of Frederick VIII, the little prince. The painting was completed in 1852.

From the palace of amarianburg, the day is West. On the channel of Orson, you can take a boat to view the palace of amarianburg with a profound history, which is quite unique.

Roskilde Cathedral

Roskiller cathedral is located in Roskilde, the largest island in Denmark, in the District of Zealand. It is one of the most outstanding architectural works in Denmark.

Roskile is still in the greater Copenhagen area, so you can use the Copenhagen card to get there by train from the capital. It's only 15 minutes' walk from roskille. You can drop in on the town along the way. Roskile is located 30 kilometers west of Copenhagen, the capital of China. It has a population of less than 50000, which is the level of a medium-sized town in China, but it is the 10th largest city in Denmark (Khan, China's top 10 have at least 5 million people?)

Roskile is the oldest city in Denmark - recorded from the Viking period (790-1066). From the 11th century to 1443, it was the capital of Denmark. In the 19th century, with the laying of railways, small towns became transportation hubs. Factories and schools have been built. Today, it is the center of regional business and education. The annual four-day roskile Music Festival is held in a local ranch, with seven stages and more than 100 music performances. It is the largest summer outdoor music festival in northern Europe and one of the most influential music festivals in Europe and even in the world.

The church with a pointed top is roskile Cathedral, which was listed on the world heritage list in 1995. It's on the side of the fjord.

The cathedral is located in the center of the city and is visited by more than 100000 people every year.

In history, this place has built many churches. The existing one was founded by Archbishop aposalon (the founder of Copenhagen) in the 1970s, which has become the best example of Danish Architecture for many years.

Before the present church was built, several churches were built here. However, the materials used at that time were the local common stone: travertine (the main component is calcium carbonate, which is a kind of limestone and marble).

In building the church that we see now, the technique of firing red bricks came from southern monks. Aposaron decided to use this material to expand a circle of Roman style buildings around the original church. Therefore, the use of red brick as the main building material is one of the characteristics of the church. When the church was completed in 1280, about 30000 bricks were used.

It seems that foreigners also like Daxing wooden soil. It's just that the Chinese people do it all over again, demolish it first and build it later. They don't waste anything. They wrap the original buildings layer by layer like making zongzi, and then form new buildings. The Bible on the t

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